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Do you know what are the two types of rubber mixing mills?

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Rubber mixing mills are divided into two types: open refining machines (referred to as open refining machines) and closed refining machines (referred to as closed refining machines). Both types of machines are intermittent kneaders, which are the most widely used at present. Here we will give a detailed introduction to rubber mixing mills.

Here is the content list:

  • What is the open machine rubber mixing method?

  • What is the rubber mixing method of the compacting machine?

What is the open machine rubber mixing method?

The temperature of open machine kneading is generally below 80℃, which is a low-temperature mechanical kneading method. The discharge temperature of the compacting machine and screw rubber mixing mill is above 120℃, even up to 160-180℃, which belongs to high-temperature mechanical mixing.

The mixing process of the knapper is divided into three stages, namely, roll wrapping (the softening stage of adding raw rubber), powder eating (the mixing stage of adding powder), and refining (the stage of making raw rubber and compounding agent evenly dispersed after powder eating).

The mixing conditions of the kneading machine are different according to the type of rubber, application, and performance requirements. In the mixing, we should pay attention to the amount of rubber added, the order of adding, the roll distance, the roll temperature, the mixing time, the speed of the rollers and the speed ratio, and other factors. Neither under-mixing nor over-mixing is possible.

What is the rubber mixing method of the compacting machine?

Mixing machine mixing is divided into three stages, namely wetting, dispersing, and nirvana, mixing machine mixing stone under high temperature and pressure. The operation method is generally divided into a mixing method and two mixing methods.

The one-stage mixing method refers to the method of completing the mixing once by the compacting machine and then pressing the sheet to obtain the compounded rubber. He is suitable for all-natural rubber or blended with synthetic rubber-not more than 50% of the rubber, in a mixing operation, often using a batch of step-by-step feeding methods, so that the rubber does not rise sharply, the general use of slow-speed refining machine can also be used to double-speed refining machine, adding sulfur temperature must be lower than 100 ℃. The feeding sequence is raw rubber - small material - reinforcing agent - filling agent - oil softener - discharge - cooling - add sulfur and super accelerator.

The two-stage mixing method refers to the method of mixing and pressing twice through the compacting machine to make the compounded rubber. This method is suitable for rubber with more than 50% synthetic rubber content and can avoid the disadvantages of long mixing time and high rubber temperature in the process of one-stage kneading. The first stage of compounding is the same as the one-stage compounding method, except that no vulcanization and active accelerator are added, and after the first stage of compounding, the sheet is cooled and left for a certain period before the second stage of compounding. After mixing evenly, the material is discharged to the press and then the vulcanizing agent is added, and then the film is turned over. The mixing time is shorter, the mixing temperature is lower, the compound is more evenly dispersed, and the quality of rubber is higher.

I believe that the above introduction has been a more comprehensive understanding of the two classifications of rubber mixing machines. Qingdao Huicai Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. conducts many tests on rubber mixing machines before they leave the factory, and the quality qualification rate is guaranteed. If you are in the rubber mixing machine business, you can consider our cost-effective products.


Our company is specialized manufacturer of various rubber press machine, rubber mixing mill, rubber kneader and rubber cutter. 




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